
Granite State Times

Saturday, January 18, 2025

GREATER NASHUA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE:“Creating Workforce Solutions through ApprenticeshipNH” Webinar

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Greater Nashua Chamber of Commerce recently issued the following announcement.

“Creating Workforce Solutions through ApprenticeshipNH” Webinar

Part of the Chamber's 2021 Business Education series

Join us for our “Creating Workforce Solutions through ApprenticeshipNH” webinar featuring:

Mary Ann Gaschnig, Apprentice and Business Outreach Specialist, ApprenticeshipNH – High School Program

Emily Zeien, ApprenticeshipNH Grant Manager

ApprenticeshipNH, an initiative of the Community College System of New Hampshire, has developed a flexible workforce solution through the expansion of registered apprenticeships throughout the Granite State.  Registered apprenticeships combine hands-on training and classroom education that help to upskill employees while also supporting employers’ hiring needs. The initiative works with businesses in high-growth industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, and construction to create pre-apprenticeship to registered apprenticeship pathways for adults and community members, incumbent workers, and high school students.

Mary Ann Gaschnig is the Apprentice and Business Outreach Specialist for ApprenticeshipNH- High School Program, an initiative of the Community College System of NH.  Prior to her work with ApprenticeshipNH, Mary Ann worked at Manchester Community College, Keene State College, and Bow High School managing career development programs.  She is a Global Career Development Facilitator and participated in the Penn/Edinburgh International Exchange Program at the University of Edinburgh.  Mary Ann earned her MSW from University of Pennsylvania and BA from Boston University.  She has extensive experience directing career, education, and community initiatives in academic, government, and non-profit settings.  

Emily Zeien is the ApprenticeshipNH Grant Manager for the Community College System of New Hampshire.  ApprenticeshipNH is a grant-funded initiative that helps to connect employers to apprenticeship programs as a proven solution to hiring and retaining highly skilled employees. In her role, Emily oversees a 4-person team and manages day-to-day grant operations including federal reporting, marketing and communications, and administration of the program’s 3-million-dollar budget. Emily has a Master’s degree in Public Administration from the UNH Carsey School and has a background in program and grant management in both the public and nonprofit sectors.  

In her past work, Emily managed a federally-grant funded AmeriCorps program and advised agencies that served as placement sites for AmeriCorps members to ensure compliance.  While working for the NH-based nonprofit Families in Transition-New Horizons, Emily oversaw a robust system of volunteer programs, and worked alongside senior leadership and board of directors to cultivate donor relations and support the agency’s fundraising goals.  

Date and Time

Tuesday Jun 8, 2021

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT


Webinar via ZOOM.

You will be sent a ZOOM link upon registration.





Original source: https://members.nashuachamber.com/events/details/creating-workforce-solutions-through-apprenticeshipnh-webinar-5481