
Granite State Times

Saturday, January 18, 2025

DASH is testing his smoke and carbon monoxide detector


DASH is testing his smoke and carbon monoxide detector today. He tests them at least once a month, especially in the winter months. The holidays should be a time of celebration; it is also a time that opens a window for many unassuming dangers. The likelihood of smoke, fire, and carbon monoxide making an appearance increases during the cold winter months. Holiday decorations, cooking and an overreliance on alternative heating sources ramp up. While smoke and fire remain obvious dangers to holiday decoration, carbon monoxide remains this winter's 'silent killer'. The freezing winter temperatures create a reliance on gas-powered, oil and charcoal burning heating sources. The increased usage of these heating solutions creates an opportunity for carbon monoxide to poison the surrounding breathing air. Celebrate the holiday season responsibly – test your smoke/carbon monoxide detectors and refresh the batteries. Also, do not forget to keep outside heating vents clear from snow piles. Keep your family safe from harm. Visit NH State Fire Marshal's Office for further information and resources. 

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#nh911, #teamsafety, #603Strong, #CheckYourFireAlarms, #replacethebatteries, #CarbonMonoxideDetectorsSaveLives